SPIM Instruction Set

An overview of the instruction set in the SPIM MIPS emulator. Based on a document from the University of Stuttgart.

The SPIM emulator implements instructions from the MIPS32 instruction set, as well as pseudo-instructions (which look like MIPS instrcutions, but are not actually provided on the MIPS32 hardware).


MIPS has 32 × 32-bit general purpose registers and 16 × 64-bit floating point registers, as well a two special registers Hi and Lo for manipulating 64-bit integer quantities. In addition, it has a memory which is partitioned as follows:


The 32 general purpose registers can be referenced as $0..$31, or by symbolic names, and are used as follows:

Reg Name Description
$0 zero the value 0, not changeable
$1 $at assembler temporary; reserved for assembler use
$2,$3 $v0,$v1 value from expression evaluation or function return
$4..$7 $a0..$a3 first four arguments to a function/subroutine, if needed
$8..$15 $t0..$t7 temporary; must be saved by caller to subroutine;
subroutine can overwrite
$16..$23 $s0..$s7 safe function variable;
must not be overwritten by called subroutine
$24..$25 $t8..$t9 temporary; must be saved by caller to subroutine;
subroutine can overwrite
$26..$27 $k0..$k1 for kernel use; may change unexpectedly
$28 $gp global pointer (address of global area)
$29 $sp stack pointer (top of stack)
$30 $fp frame pointer (bottom of current stack frame)
$31 $ra return address of most recent caller

The 16 floating point registers are referenced in pairs; each pair is 64-bits.

Reg Description
$f0..$f2 value floating-point expression evaluation or function return
$f4..$f10 temporary; must be saved by caller to subroutine;
subroutine can overwrite
$f12..$f14 first two double-precision function arguments
$f16..$f18 temporary registers; used for expression evaluation
$f20..$f30 safe function variables; must be preserved across function calls


Each instruction is written on a single line and has the general format

Label:   OpCode, Operand1, Operand2, Operand3

Some instructions have only one operand, others have two and many have three.


The following notation is used in describing operands in the description of instructions below.

Operand Description
Rn a register; Rs and Rt are sources, and Rd is a destination
Imm a constant value; a literal constant in decimal or hexadecimal format
Label a symbolic name which is associated with a memory address
Addr a memory address, in one of the formats described below

Addressing Modes

Many instructions have one operand which is an address. Addresses can be written in a number of formats:

Format Address
Label the address associated with the label
(Rn) the value stored in register Rn (indirect address)
Imm(Rn) the sum of Imm and the value stored in register Rn
Label(Rn) the sum of Label's address and the value stored in register Rn
Label ± Imm the sum of Label's address and Imm
Label ± Imm(Rn) the sum of Label's address, Imm and the value stored in register Rn

List of SPIM instructions

Real MIPS instructions are marked with a ✓. All other instructions are pseudoinstructions, special to the SPIM emulator. Operators in expressions have the same meaning as their C counterparts.

  Instruction Description
add Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = Rs + Rt   (signed)
addu Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = Rs + Rt   (unsigned)
addi Rd, Rs, Imm Rd = Rs + Imm   (signed)
sub Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = Rs - Rt   (signed)
subu Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = Rs - Rt   (unsigned)
div Rs, Rt Lo = Rs / Rt, Hi = Rs % Rt   (int division, signed)
divu Rs, Rt Lo = Rs / Rt, Hi = Rs % Rt   (int division, unsigned)
div Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = Rs / Rt   (int division, signed)
divu Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = Rs / Rt   (int division, unsigned)
rem Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = Rs % Rt   (modulo, signed)
remu Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = Rs % Rt   (modulo, unsigned)
mul Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = Rs * Rt   (signed)
mult Rs, Rt (Hi,Lo) = Rs * Rt   (Lo = bits 0..31, Hi = bits 32..63, signed)
multu Rs, Rt (Hi,Lo) = Rs * Rt   (Lo = bits 0..31, Hi = bits 32..63, unsigned)
and Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = Rs & Rt  
and Rd, Rs, Imm Rd = Rs & Imm  
neg Rd, Rs Rd = ~ Rs  
nor Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = !(Rs | Rt)  
not Rd, Rs Rd = !Rs  
or Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = Rs | Rt  
ori Rd, Rs, Imm Rd = Rs | Imm  
xor Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = Rs ^ Rt  
xori Rd, Rs, Imm Rd = Rs ^ Imm  
sll Rd, Rt, Imm Rd = Rt << Imm  
sllv Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = Rt << Rs  
srl Rd, Rt, Imm Rd = Rt >> Imm  
srlv Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = Rt >> Rs  
move Rd, Rs Rd = Rs  
mfhi Rd Rd = Hi  
mflo Rd Rd = Lo  
la Rd, Addr Rd = Addr  
li Rd, Imm Rd = Imm  
lui Rd, Imm Rd[0..15] = 0, Rd[16..31] = Imm  
lb Rd, Addr Rd = byte at Mem[Addr]   (sign extended, Addr could be Label(Rt))
lw Rd, Addr Rd = word at Mem[Addr]   (Addr could be Label(Rt))
sb Rs, Addr Mem[Addr] = Rs   (sign extended, Addr could be Label(Rt))
sw Rs, Addr Mem[Addr] = Rs   (Addr could be Label(Rt))
slt Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = 1 if Rs<Rt, Rd = 0 otherwise   (signed)
slti Rd, Rs, Imm Rd = 1 if Rs<Imm, Rd = 0 otherwise   (signed)
sltu Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = 1 if Rs<Rt, Rd = 0 otherwise   (unsigned)
beq Rs, Rt, Label branch to Label if Rs=Rt   (signed)
beqz Rs, Label branch to Label if Rs=0   (signed)
bge Rs, Rt, Label branch to Label if Rs≥Rt   (signed)
bgez Rs, Label branch to Label if Rs≥0   (signed)
bgezal Rs, Label branch to Label and and $ra=PC+8 if Rs≥0   (signed)
bgt Rs, Rt, Label branch to Label if Rs>Rt   (signed)
bgtu Rs, Rt, Label branch to Label if Rs>Rt   (unsigned)
bgtz Rs, Label branch to Label if Rs>0   (signed)
blt Rs, Rt, Label branch to Label if Rs<Rt   (signed)
bltu Rs, Rt, Label branch to Label if Rs<Rt   (unsigned)
bltz Rs, Label branch to Label if Rs<0   (signed)
bltzl Rs, Label branch to Label and $ra=PC+8 if Rs<0   (signed)
bne Rs, Rt, Label branch to Label if Rs≠Rt  
bnez Rs, Label branch to Label if Rs≠0  
j Label jump to Label   (PC = Label)
jal Label jump to Label and Link   ($ra = PC+8; PC = Label)
jr Rs jump to location in Rs  
jalr Rs jump to location in Rs and Link   ($ra = PC+8; PC = Label)
syscall invoke system service; service given in $v0  

System Services

The SPIM emulator provides a number of mechanisms for interacting with the host system. These services are invoked via the syscall pseudo-instruction after storing the service code in the register $v0.

Service Code Arguments Result
print_int 1 $a0 = integer  
print_float 2 $f12 = float  
print_double 3 $f12 = double  
print_string 4 $a0 = char *  
read_int 5   integer in $v0
read_float 6   float in $v0
read_double 7   double in $v0
read_string 8 $a0 = buffer, $a1 = length string in buffer
sbrk 9 $a0 = # bytes extend data segment
exit 10   program exits
print_char 11 $a0 = char  
read_char 12   char in $v0
exit(status) 17 status in $a0 program exits


The SPIM assembler supports a number of directives, which allow things to be specified at assembly time.

Directive Description
.text the instructions following this directive are placed in the text segment of memory
.data the data defined following this directive is placed in the data segment of memory
.space   n allocate n unitialised bytes of space in the data segment of memory
.word   val1,val2,... store values in successive words in the data segment of memory
.byte   val1,val2,... store values in succesive bytes in the data segment of memory
.asciiz "string" store '\0'-terminated string in the data segment of memory