Commencing Exam
If you are unwell do not commence this exam - contact an exam supervisor.
If you become unwell contact an exam supervisor immediately and ask to speak to the lecturer.
Exam Conditions
You must place your bag at the front of the lab, as directed by the invigilator. Phones must be turned off (not just silenced) and not visible, either left in your bag or sealed in an opaque bag placed underneath your seat.
You must bring your student card, and can bring pens and a transparent, unmarked water bottle. We will provide you with blank paper that can be used for rough working. This will not be marked.
No other exam materials are allowed, including any electronic devices (including but not limited to phones, watches, calculators, laptops, and hand-held gaming devices).
Strict exam conditions apply, including that you must not attempt to communicate with any other person, or access other computers or external data or any internet resources.
If you do not follow these instructions you will get zero marks for the exam and a possible charge of academic misconduct.
If there are any issues during the exam, raise your hand and the invigilator will come over to you. If you have any questions about the exam, or about what is permitted, ask the invigilator.
If you need to go to the toilet, ask a supervisor.
You may be given extra time to compensate for any time lost due to computer or other problems. Exam Environment
The exam environment allows you to run a limited set of commands so you can test and debug your answers.
The exam environment is not your normal CSE account. If you have accidentally logged into your normal CSE account, let the invigilator know immediately.
The exam environment logs all your keystrokes. Biometric keystroke timing data may be used to confirm your identity.
The exam environment does not allow access to files in your CSE account or any other CSE account. It does not allow access to the web or other network access.
Some language documentation is available through the right-click menu. You also have access to manual entries ("man pages"). No other documents or files will be available to you.
During the first 35 minutes the only programs you can run in the exam environment are the applications to enter answers to part 1, clock (xclock), calculator (xcalc) and the PDF versions of language documentation and exam questions. The HTML version of language documentation and exam questions is not available during the first 35 minutes.
Autotests are available for all questions to assist you in your testing.
Passing autotests does not guarantee any marks.
Rough Paper
We will provide you with blank paper that can be used for rough working. This will not be marked.
Write your name on the top of each sheet of rough working paper you use.
You must hand in ALL writing paper at the end of the exam.
Answer each question in a SEPARATE file. Each question specifies the name of the file to use. These are named after the corresponding question number,
Make sure you use EXACTLY this file name.
Submit these files using the give command as described in each question. You may submit your answers as many times as you like. The last submission ONLY will be marked.
Ensure that you have submitted your files before signing out. Running autotests does not automatically submit your code. Test Data Files
There are example test data files for some questions.
These are placed in your exam environment directory automatically.
If you accidentally remove on of these files running the command create_example_files will recreate it.
Morning Session
Once the exam has commenced you may not leave until the end of the exam (first session only). Once the exam has ended and the invigilator has said you can leave, please leave the building as quickly and quietly as possible so that the second session students can take their exam.
Afternoon Session
You must assemble in the corralling room as specified on the exam seating page. You MUST arrive early. If you after 12:20pm, you will not be permitted to sit the exam.
You may not leave during the first 30 minutes or the last 10 minutes of the exam.
Your program must be C.
Name your program q18.c
You can test your program using the autotest command:
autotest q18 q18.cAlso do your own testing!
give q18 q18.c
Your program must be MIPS asssembler.
Name your program q19.s
You can test your program using the autotest command:
autotest q19 q19.sAlso do your own testing!
give q19 q19.s
Your program must be MIPS asssembler.
Name your program q20.s
You can test your program using the autotest command:
autotest q20 q20.sAlso do your own testing!
give q20 q20.s
Your program must be C.
Name your program q21.c
You can test your program using the autotest command:
autotest q21 q21.cAlso do your own testing!
give q21 q21.c
Your program must be C.
Name your program q22.c
You can test your program using the autotest command:
autotest q22 q22.cAlso do your own testing!
give q22 q22.c
Your program must be MIPS asssembler.
Name your program q23.s
You can test your program using the autotest command:
autotest q23 q23.sAlso do your own testing!
give q23 q23.s
Your program must be C.
Name your program q24.c
You can test your program using the autotest command:
autotest q24 q24.cAlso do your own testing!
give q24 q24.c