Computer Systems Fundamentals

simple example of returning from a function
#include <stdio.h>

void f(void);

int main(void) {
    printf("calling function f\n");
    printf("back from function f\n");
    return 0;

void f(void) {
    printf("in function f\n");
simple example of returning from a function loops because main does not save return address
    la   $a0, string0   # printf("calling function f\n");
    li   $v0, 4

    jal f               # set $ra to following address

    la   $a0, string1   # printf("back from function f\n");
    li   $v0, 4

    li   $v0, 0         # fails because $ra changes since main called
    jr   $ra            # return from function main

    la $a0, string2     # printf("in function f\n");
    li $v0, 4
    jr $ra              # return from function f

    .asciiz "calling function f\n"
    .asciiz "back from function f\n"
    .asciiz "in function f\n"
simple example of placing return address on stack note stack grows down
    sub  $sp, $sp, 4    # move stack pointer down to make room
    sw   $ra, 0($sp)    # save $ra on $stack

    la   $a0, string0   # printf("calling function f\n");
    li   $v0, 4

    jal  f              # set $ra to following address

    la   $a0, string1   # printf("back from function f\n");
    li   $v0, 4

    lw   $ra, 0($sp)    # recover $ra from $stack
    add  $sp, $sp, 4    # move stack pointer back to what it was

    li   $v0, 0         # return 0 from function main
    jr   $ra            #

    la $a0, string2     # printf("in function f\n");
    li $v0, 4
    jr $ra              # return from function f

    .asciiz "calling function f\n"
    .asciiz "back from function f\n"
    .asciiz "in function f\n"
simple example of returning a value from a function
#include <stdio.h>

int answer(void);

int main(void) {
    int a = answer();
    printf("%d\n", a);
    return 0;

int answer(void) {
    return 42;
simple example of returning a value from a function note storing of return address $ra and $a0 on stack for simplicity we are not using a frame pointer
    sub  $sp, $sp, 4    # move stack pointer down to make room
    sw   $ra, 0($sp)    # save $ra on $stack

    jal  answer         # call answer, return value will be in $v0

    move $a0, $v0       # printf("%d", a);
    li   $v0, 1

    li   $a0, '\n'      # printf("%c", '\n');
    li   $v0, 11

    lw   $ra, 0($sp)    # recover $ra from $stack
    add  $sp, $sp, 4    # move stack pointer back up to what it was when main called

    li   $v0, 0         # return 0 from function main
    jr   $ra            #

    li $v0, 42          #
    jr $ra              # return from answer
example of function calls
#include <stdio.h>

int sum_product(int a, int b);
int product(int x, int y);

int main(void) {
    int z = sum_product(10, 12);
    printf("%d\n", z);
    return 0;

int sum_product(int a, int b) {
    int p = product(6, 7);
    return p + a + b;

int product(int x, int y) {
    return x * y;
example of function calls note storing of return address $a0, $a1 and $ra on stack for simplicity we are not using a frame pointer
    sub  $sp, $sp, 4    # move stack pointer down to make room
    sw   $ra, 0($sp)    # save $ra on $stack

    li   $a0, 6         # sum_product(10, 12);
    li   $a1, 7
    jal  product

    move $a0, $v0       # printf("%d", z);
    li   $v0, 1

    li   $a0, '\n'      # printf("%c", '\n');
    li   $v0, 11

    lw   $ra, 0($sp)    # recover $ra from $stack
    add  $sp, $sp, 4    # move stack pointer back up to what it was when main called

    li   $v0, 0         # return 0 from function main
    jr   $ra            # return from function main

    sub  $sp, $sp, 12   # move stack pointer down to make room
    sw   $ra, 8($sp)    # save $ra on $stack
    sw   $a1, 4($sp)    # save $a1 on $stack
    sw   $a0, 0($sp)    # save $a0 on $stack

    li   $a0, 6         # product(6, 7);
    li   $a1, 7
    jal  product

    lw   $a1, 4($sp)    # restore $a1 from $stack
    lw   $a0, 0($sp)    # restore $a0 from $stack

    add  $v0, $v0, $a0  # add a and b to value returned in $v0
    add  $v0, $v0, $a1  # and put result in $v0 to be returned

    lw   $ra, 8($sp)    # restore $ra from $stack
    add  $sp, $sp, 12   # move stack pointer back up to what it was when main called

    jr   $ra            # return from sum_product

product:                # product doesn't call other functions
                        # so it doesn't need to save any registers
    mul  $v0, $a0, $a1  # return argument * argument 2
    jr   $ra            #
recursive function which prints first 20 powers of two in reverse
#include <stdio.h>

void two(int i);

int main(void) {

void two(int i) {
    if (i < 1000000) {
        two(2 * i);
    printf("%d\n", i);
simple example of placing return address $ra and $a0 on stack for simplicity we are not using a frame pointer
    sub $sp, $sp, 4     # move stack pointer down to make room
    sw $ra, 0($sp)      # save $ra on $stack

    li $a0, 1           # two(1);
    jal two

    lw $ra, 0($sp)      # recover $ra from $stack
    add $sp, $sp, 4     # move stack pointer back up to what it was when main called

    jr $ra              # return from function main

    sub $sp, $sp, 8     # move stack pointer down to make room
    sw $ra, 4($sp)      # save $ra on $stack
    sw $a0, 0($sp)      # save $a0 on $stack

    bge $a0, 1000000, print
    mul $a0, $a0, 2     # restore $a0 from $stack
    jal two

    lw $a0, 0($sp)      # restore $a0 from $stack
    li $v0, 1           # printf("%d");

    li $a0, '\n'        # printf("%c", '\n');
    li $v0, 11

    lw $ra, 4($sp)      # restore $ra from $stack
    add $sp, $sp, 8     # move stack pointer back up to what it was when main called

    jr $ra              # return from two
calculate the length of a string using a strlen like function
#include <stdio.h>

int my_strlen(char *s);

int main(void) {
    int i = my_strlen("Hello Andrew");
    printf("%d\n", i);
    return 0;

int my_strlen(char *s) {
    int length = 0;
    while (s[length] != 0) {
    return length;
calculate the length of a string using a strlen like function
#include <stdio.h>

int my_strlen(char *s);

int main(void) {
    int i = my_strlen("Hello Andrew");
    printf("%d\n", i);
    return 0;

int my_strlen(char *s) {
    int length = 0;
    if (s[length] == 0) goto end;
    goto loop;
    return length;
calculate the length of a string using a strlen like function
    sub  $sp, $sp, 4    # move stack pointer down to make room
    sw   $ra, 0($sp)    # save $ra on $stack

    la   $a0, string    # my_strlen("Hello Andrew");
    jal  my_strlen

    move $a0, $v0       # printf("%d", i);
    li   $v0, 1

    li   $a0, '\n'      # printf("%c", '\n');
    li   $v0, 11

    lw   $ra, 0($sp)    # recover $ra from $stack
    add  $sp, $sp, 4    # move stack pointer back up to what it was when main called

    li   $v0, 0         # return 0 from function main
    jr   $ra            #

my_strlen:              # length in t0, s in $a0
    li   $t0, 0
loop:                   # while (s[length] != 0) {
    add  $t1, $a0, $t0  #   calculate &s[length]
    lb   $t2, 0($t1)    #   load s[length] into $t2
    beq  $t2, 0, end    #
    add  $t0, $t0, 1    #   length++;
    b    loop           # }
    move $v0, $t0       # return length
    jr   $ra

    .asciiz "Hello Andrew"
#include <stdio.h>

int my_strlen(char *s);

int main(void) {
    int i = my_strlen("Hello Andrew");
    printf("%d\n", i);
    return 0;

int my_strlen(char *s) {
    int length = 0;
    while (*s != 0) {
    return length;
simple example of placing return address $ra and $a0 on stack for simplicity we are not using a frame pointer
    sub $sp, $sp, 4     # move stack pointer down to make room
    sw $ra, 0($sp)      # save $ra on $stack

    la $a0, string      # my_strlen("Hello Andrew");
    jal my_strlen

    move $a0, $v0       # printf("%d", i);
    li $v0, 1

    li $a0, '\n'        # printf("%c", '\n');
    li $v0, 11

    lw $ra, 0($sp)      # recover $ra from $stack
    add $sp, $sp, 4     # move stack pointer back up to what it was when main called

    jr $ra              # return from function main

my_strlen:              # length in t0, s in $a0
    li $t0, 0
loop:                   #
    lb $t1, 0($a0)      # load *s into $t1
    beq $t1, 0, end     #
    add $t0, $t0, 1     # length++
    add $a0, $a0, 1     # s++
    b loop              #
    move $v0, $t0       # return length
    jr $ra

    .asciiz "Hello Andrew"
i in register $t0 registers $t1 and $t2 used to hold temporary results
    sub  $tp, $tp, 40    # move stack pointer down to make room
                         # to store array numbers on stack
    li   $t0, 0          # i = 0

    bge  $t0, 10, end0   # while (i < 10) {
    la   $a0, string0    #  printf("Enter a number: ");
    li   $v0, 4

    li   $v0, 5         #  scanf("%d", &numbers[i]);
    syscall             #

    mul  $t1, $t0, 4    #  calculate &numbers[i]
    add  $t1, $t1, $tp  #
    sw   $v0, ($t1)     #  store entered number in array

    add  $t0, $t0, 1    #  i++;
    b    loop0          # }

    li   $t0, 0         # i = 0
    bge  $t0, 10, end1  # while (i < 10) {

    mul  $t1, $t0, 4
    add  $t1, $t1, $t0  #   calculate &numbers[i]
    lw   $a0, ($t1)     #   load numbers[i] into $a0
    li   $v0, 1         #   printf("%d", numbers[i])

    li   $a0, '\n'      #   printf("%c", '\n');
    li   $v0, 11

    add  $t0, $t0, 1    #   i++
    b    loop1          # }

    add  $tp, $tp, 40   # move stack pointer back up to what it was when main called
    li   $v0, 0         # return 0 from function main
    jr   $ra            #

    .asciiz "Enter a number: "
example of function where frame pointer useful because stack grows during function execution
#include <stdio.h>

void f(int a) {
    int length;
    scanf("%d", &length);
    int array[length];
    // ... more code ...
    printf("%d\n", a);
example stack growing during function execution breaking the function return
    sub  $sp, $sp, 8     # move stack pointer down to make room
    sw   $ra, 4($sp)     # save $ra on $stack
    sw   $a0, 0($sp)     # save $a0 on $stack

    li   $v0, 5          # scanf("%d", &length);

    mul  $v0, $v0, 4     # calculate array size
    sub  $sp, $sp, $v0   # move stack_pointer down to hold array

    # ...

                        # breaks because stack pointer moved down to hold array
                        # so we won't restore the correct value
    lw   $ra, 4($sp)    # restore $ra from $stack
    add  $sp, $sp, 8    # move stack pointer back up to what it was when main called

    jr   $ra            # return from f
using a frame pointer to handle stack growing during function execution
    sub  $sp, $sp, 12   # move stack pointer down to make room
    sw   $fp, 8($sp)    # save $fp on $stack
    sw   $ra, 4($sp)    # save $ra on $stack
    sw   $a0, 0($sp)    # save $a0 on $stack
    add  $fp, $sp, 12   # have frame pointer at start of stack frame

    li   $v0, 5         # scanf("%d", &length);

    mul  $v0, $v0, 4    # calculate array size
    sub  $sp, $sp, $v0  # move stack_pointer down to hold array

    # ... more code ...

    lw   $ra, -8($fp)    # restore $ra from stack
    move $sp, $fp       # move stack pointer backup  to what it was when main called
    la   $fp, -4($fp)    # restore $fp from $stack
    jr   $ra            # return
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

$ clang stack_inspect.c
$ a.out
 0: Address 0x7ffe1766c304 contains 3           <- a[0]
 1: Address 0x7ffe1766c308 contains 5           <- x
 2: Address 0x7ffe1766c30c contains 2a          <- b
 3: Address 0x7ffe1766c310 contains 1766c330    <- f  frame pointer (64 bit)
 4: Address 0x7ffe1766c314 contains 7ffe
 5: Address 0x7ffe1766c318 contains 40120c      <- f return address
 6: Address 0x7ffe1766c31c contains 0
 7: Address 0x7ffe1766c320 contains 22
 8: Address 0x7ffe1766c324 contains 25
 9: Address 0x7ffe1766c328 contains 9           <- a
10: Address 0x7ffe1766c32c contains 0
11: Address 0x7ffe1766c330 contains 401220      <- main return address
12: Address 0x7ffe1766c334 contains 0
13: Address 0x7ffe1766c338 contains c7aca09b    <- main frame pointer (64 bit)
14: Address 0x7ffe1766c33c contains 7ff3
15: Address 0x7ffe1766c340 contains 0

void f(int b) {
    int x = 5;
    uint32_t a[1] = { 3 };

    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        printf("%2d: Address %p contains %x\n", i, &a[i], a[0 + i]);

int main(void) {
    int a = 9;
    printf("function main is at address %p\n", &main);
    printf("function f is at address %p\n", &f);
    return 0;

Run at CSE like this
$ gcc-7 invalid0.c -o invalid0 $ ./invalid0 42 42 42 77 77 77 77 77 77 77

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void) {
    int a[10];
    int b[10];
    printf("a[0] is at address %p\n", &a[0]);
    printf("a[9] is at address %p\n", &a[9]);
    printf("b[0] is at address %p\n", &b[0]);
    printf("b[9] is at address %p\n", &b[9]);

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        a[i] = 77;

    // loop writes to b[10] .. b[12] which don't exist -
    // with gcc 7.3 on x86_64/Linux
    // b[12] is stored where a[0] is stored
    // with gcc 7 on CSE lab machines
    // b[10] is stored where a[0] is stored

    for (int i = 0; i <= 12; i++) {
        b[i] = 42;

    // prints 42 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 on x86_64/Linux
    // prints 42 42 42 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 at CSE
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        printf("%d ", a[i]);

    return 0;

Run at CSE like this
$ gcc-7 invalid1.c -o invalid1 $ ./invalid1 42 42 42 77 77 77 77 77 77 77

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void) {
    int i;
    int a[10];
    printf("i is at address %p\n", &i);
    printf("a[0] is at address %p\n", &a[0]);
    printf("a[9] is at address %p\n", &a[9]);
    printf("a[10] would be stored at address %p\n", &a[10]);

    // loop writes to a[10] .. a[11] which don't exist -
    // but with gcc 7 on x86_64/Linux
    // i would be stored where a[11] is stored

    for (i = 0; i <= 11; i++) {
        a[i] = 0;

    return 0;

Run at CSE like this
$ gcc-7 invalid2.c -o invalid2 $ ./invalid2 answer=42

#include <stdio.h>

void f(int x);

int main(void) {
    int answer = 36;
    printf("answer is stored at address %p\n", &answer);

    printf("answer=%d\n", answer); // prints 42 not 36

    return 0;

void f(int x) {
    int a[10];

    // a[19] doesn't exist
    // with gcc-7 at CSE variable answer in main
    // happens to be where a[19] would be

    printf("a[19] would be stored at address %p\n", &a[19]);

    a[19] = 42;

Run at CSE like this
$ gcc-7 invalid3.c -o invalid3 $ ./invalid3
I will never be printed. argc was 1 $
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void f(void);

void f(void);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    if (argc > 0) {
        printf("I will always be printed.\n");

    if (argc <= 0) {
        printf("I will never be printed.\n");

    printf("argc was %d\n", argc);
    return 0;

void f() {
    int a[10];

    // function f has it return address on the stack
    // the call of function f from main should return to
    // the next statement which is:  if (argc > 0)
    // with gcc7 at CSE  f's return address is stored where a[14] would be
    // so changing a[14] changes where the function returns
    // adding 24 to a[11] happens to cause it to return several statements later
    // at the printf("I will never be printed.\n");

    a[14] += 24;

Run at CSE like this
$ gcc-7 invalid4.c -o invalid4 $ ./invalid4 authenticated is at address 0xff94bf44 password is at address 0xff94bf3c
Enter your password: 123456789
Welcome. You are authorized. $
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int authenticated = 0;
    char password[8];

    printf("authenticated is at address %p\n", &authenticated);
    printf("password[8] would be at address %p\n", &password[8]);

    printf("Enter your password: ");
    int i = 0;
    int ch = getchar();
    while (ch != '\n' && ch != EOF) {
        password[i] = ch;
        ch = getchar();
        i = i + 1;
    password[i] = '\0';

    if (strcmp(password, "secret") == 0) {
        authenticated = 1;

    // a password longer than 8 characters will overflow the array password
    // the variable authenticated is at the address where
    // where password[8] would be and gets overwritten
    // This allows access without knowing the correct password

    if (authenticated) {
        printf("Welcome. You are authorized.\n");
    } else {
        printf("Welcome. You are unauthorized.  Your death will now be implemented.\n");
        printf("Welcome. You will experience a tingling sensation and then death. \n");
        printf("Remain calm while your life is extracted.\n");

    return 0;